NaughtOne - Hue
Hue bar height
Hue bar height with screen
Hue with screen
Hue bar height
The aim was to offer new ways of collaboration in work-space. To exploit unused space and peoples free time. Which roughly translates as; seating for people, who bump into each other, as they walk between areas, at work.
Researching circulation and high foot fall areas and using key points like 'Privacy on Demand' and 'Zonal Overlap'. Suggested a demand for a product that could deal with these situations in a simple direct way.
People don’t need to over plan for short dynamic interactions, they just need a space that supports their behaviour in a productive manner.
Concept Render Detail
Concept Render
Concept Render
Concept Render Detail
Design Process
It was important for us to establish the context and purpose to the concept at an early stage in the project.
We can understand why bar stools are increasingly specified into zones or settings that call for faster interactions. It’s quicker to step down from a bar height stool or from a perching position. Also it’s easier for a person sitting on a bar stool to converse with someone standing.
I used an interactive 3D presentation to help contextualize the idea.
It helped demonstrate scale and flexibility early in the project timeline.
Idea Generation
Sketching is a quick effective way to communicate ideas to other creatives.
CAD renders support a concept further when pitching the idea to a wider ordinance. It's also important to see how a product works along side a client existing portfolio. Mock studio shots or even building full environments help people understand the narrative.
One to one prototypes are the only way to prove proportion in relation to comfort. naughtone has incredible capabilities in supporting this.
Sketch book
Sketch book
Concept environment render
Sketch book